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You can choose to toggle TailwindCSS module from Pilo’Press > Styles > Modules.


In the administration, under Pilo’Press > Styles, when you click on Update & Compile,
TailwindCSS will be compiled remotely using a homemade TailwindCSS API we manage (using v2.2.4 of TailwindCSS).


The compilation process takes all your layouts CSS files and put them along the rest of the TailwindCSS configuration
to generate 2 files, 1 for the admin (useful for Flexible Layout Preview) & 1 for the front.


Minified CSS files are then created under /pilopress/assets/styles.min.css and /pilopress/assets/styles-admin.min.css.

Those files are automatically enqueued but there are filters to disable this auto-enqueue if you want to.


It is possible to manually retrieve the TailwindCSS PostCSS & JS fields of the administration if you want to build TailwindCSS locally.
To do so, you can use the following code:
$tailwind_css    = pip_get_tailwind_css();
$tailwind_config = pip_get_tailwind_config();


For more details, see TailwindCSS Documentation.


Customizing TailwindCSS


To customize default TailwindCSS styles, go to Pilo’Press > Styles from left navigation menu or top bar menu.





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